ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

Sacred meaning of long journey for eternal life: semantics of images on the Kargaly diadem

Year: 2021

Pages: 106-117

UDC: 902

Number: Volume 21, issue 1

Type: scientific article

BBK: 63.4



Authors: Kotov, Vyacheslav G.


This article discusses features of the images presented on the Kargaly diadem. This golden artefact from the Kargaly gorge in Western Kazakhstan dated to the turn of ears occupies a special place among the works of art of the early nomads. Since its discovery, the Kargaly diadem has been repeatedly studied by various specialists. However all previous researchers have analyzed just the separate elements of the multi-figured composition presented on the diadem, identifying parallels between the Kargaly images and those found in the cultures of China, Iran and Greco-Bactrian kingdom. In the current research, for the first time, the images on a diadem are analyzed as a single visual composition. Semantic analysis of this composition as a whole allowed identifying its missing elements. From the present research it could be concluded that the diadem composition illustrates a mythological tale about the ‘long journey’ of the hero for the plant granting immortality. During this journey the young man grows up and different animals help him to reach his goal. The deer and the bear serve as key helpers, the snow leopard, the ibex, the ovis and the dragon are used as carriers and duck-goose shows the way. The similar tale is found in shamanic mythology of the peoples of North Asia. It describes the journey  of a shaman in an otherworld, during which he is helped by the spirit helpers in various animal forms. The ‘long journey’ plot is presented both in shamanic myths and in the folklore of Turkic and Iranian peoples. Thus, the diadem was probably used for spiritual purposes and the images were supposed to enhance the mysterious power of shamaness. This may indicate the spiritual continuity of the early nomads and modern peoples, who preserve in their rich folklore some reminders of the distant past. The content of the tale suggests that objects like the Kargaly diadem must be viewed not as a decorative element, but as an important attribute of the shamanic cult of the early nomads. The pictorial composition of the Kargaly diadem combines the style and elements, typical for the Iranian, Chinese and Greek cultures at the turn of the eras.


the early nomads, the turn of the eras, diadem, semantics of the images, shamanic mythology, folklore of Turkic and Iranian peoples


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV