ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

Manuscript submission guidelines

By submitting a paper for the publication, authors give their consent to the publication of its final version in the full-text databases. To follow a double-blind reviewing procedure all authors are requested to submit not only the full version of their research paper, but also a blinded manuscript without any signs of the authorship such as the authors’ names and affiliations. Self-identifying citations and references to the previous publications should also be omitted in a blinded manuscript.

Authors must submit all manuscripts in accordance with the submission schedule. Submission deadline: for the Issue №1 of the current cycle – March 31, 2021, for the Issue №2 of the current cycle – September 30, 2021.

Authors receive a notice from the editorial office acknowledging receipt of their manuscripts within 10 days since the moment of its submission. All manuscripts submitted to the journal are screened for plagiarism using «Antiplagiat» screening tool. 

After the initial screening the manuscripts that meet the journal’s formal publication criteria are subjected to peer-review. The final decision on the publication of the manuscript is made by the editorial board on the basis of reviewers’ suggestions.

Manuscripts, which get one of the following statuses: «accept without any changes» or «accept with minor revisions» are published in the order of their receipt by the editorial office; within 30 days after their manuscript submission authors will be notified by the editorial office of the necessary revisions and the paper scheduled publication date.

The editorial board reserves the right to edit and revise the submitted manuscripts. Minor stylistic and formal correction could be performed without authors’ informed consent.

In the event of the paper publication, two dates are mentioned: the date of the initial manuscript receipt and the date of submission of its final version to the editorial office. 

After the publication of the paper, authors receive a printed copy of the journal issue featuring their article (1 copy for each author).

ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV