Guidelines for preparing and formatting the manuscripts of research papers
Manuscript of the research paper has to be submitted as single complete file created in Microsoft Word or Open Office and saved in *.doc, *.docx or *.rtf formats. The name of the file must contain the surname of the first author (e.g. Ivanov.doc). Required text formatting: top and bottom margins – 26 mm, side margins – 25 mm; size of the page – A4 format; no pagination is necessary; Times New Roman or an equivalent font; font size for the main text – 14 pts, 1.5 interline; alignment on page width; paragraph space – 1 cm; automatic hyphenation. References and English summary must be formatted with accordance to the editorial office’s guidelines.
General information
The editorial office accepts the manuscripts with the length between 8 and 32 pages (20.000 and 80.000 characters with spaces). It’s highly recommended to submit all manuscripts in the electronic form. The main manuscript is accompanied by an abstract and a list of keywords in Russian. Bibliographic references should be formatted in accordance with the GOST 7.0.5-2008. If the manuscript contains fragments typed in rare languages (Old Russian, Greek, Chinese, Japanese etc.) the font used in those fragments must be sent to the editorial office in a separate file. Graphic materials: diagrams, figures, tables and archaeological pictures (scanned in grayscale, saved *.jpg, *.tif, *.bmp formats with the resolution no less than 300 dpi) should also be sent in separate files. Photos could be provided either in color or in black and white. The editors reserve the right to reject any graphic materials of poor quality. All manuscripts have to be submitted to the following e-mail address: or to the legal address: 450054, Russian Federation, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, ul. Prospekt Oktyabrya 71, Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the editorial office of the Ufa Archaeological Herald. The date of the initial manuscript (or its revised copy) arrival at the editorial office is taken as the date of manuscript’s receipt.
Since 2021, the journal is published twice a year: Issue №1 – May 25, Issue №2 – November 25.
Manuscript content requirements
Information provided in Russian
- UDX index,
- Manuscript title,
- Author (Authors) initials and surname,
- Author (Authors) affiliation address (official title and legal address of the workplace)
- E-mail of the author (authors)
- ORCID of the author (authors)
- Abstract (200-250 words)
- Key words and phrases (5-7)
- Main text of the manuscript
- A list of used sources
- A list of references
- Table and figure captions
- A list of abbreviations
Information provided in English
Transliteration of the author (authors) name and surname.
Information provided for English translation
Summary of the manuscript (1500-2500 characters) that will serve as an independent source of data related to the author’s research topic. The summary has to be detailed (do not contain common words); original (do not repeat verbatim the Russian abstract); informative (describe the main issues and key results of research) and well-structured (follow the logic of the full manuscript), concise, but not too short.
Sources and references
- In-text references to research papers and other used sources are given in the main manuscript in square brackets:
- reference to a research paper with a single author:[Ivanov, 1999]
- reference to a research paper with two authors: [Petrov, Ivanov, 2000]
- reference to a research paper with multiple authors must contain the name of the first author followed by “et al.”: [Sidorov et al., 2003; Martynov et al., 2006]; the reference list must include the names of all authors
- reference to certain pages: [Pavlov, 2011. P. 16]
- reference to figures or tables: [Pavlov, 2011. Fig. 5, 7-9; 8, 4; Martynov, 2006. Table XXV, 18]
- reference to several papers of the same author: [Pavlov, 2012, 2017]
- reference to a book, conference materials, encyclopedia, dictionary etc.: [Archaeological…, 1976], [Antiquities of…, 2018. P. 3-7]
- reference to archival documents: [State Archive of the Russian Federation. Fund 102, Series 311, File Unit 5, List 1]
If a research paper has been assigned a DOI name, it must be mentioned in a reference list.
A list of used sources (example):
- Scientific Report. At: Institute of Archaeology (RAS), Scientific Archive. Coll. F-1. R-1. №. 2676.
A list of references (example):
- Ovsyannikov V. V. On the question of the time of the creation of the fortifications of the Okhlebin and Shipov settlements (Kara-Abyz or the Golden Horde?) // Drevnost' i srednevekov'ye Volgo-Kam'ya. Materialy tret'ikh Khalikovskikh chteniy. Resp. ed. A.G. Sitdikov Kazan-Bolgar: Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, 2004. Pp. 147-–149. (In Russ.)
- Ovsyannikov V. V. On the question of the time of the creation of the Okhlebinsky and Shipovsky settlements // Ot drevnosti k novomu vremeni (problemy istorii i arkheologii). Ufa: RIO BashGU, 2005. Pp. 56–62. (In Russ.)
- Pshenichnyuk A. Kh. New materials from the settlements of the Gafuri region // Poseleniya i zhilishcha drevnikh plemen Yuzhnogo Urala. Ed. OH. Pshenichnyuk, V.A. Ivanov. Ufa: BFAN USSR, 1983. Pp. 77–103. (In Russ.)
- Akbulatov I.M., Varvarovsky Y. E. Brik-Alga treasure of silver Juchid coins // Bashkirskiy kray. Issue 3. Ufa: National Museum, 1993. Pp. 153–170. (In Russ.)
- Garustovich G.N., Ovsyannikov V.V. Medieval sanctuary on Mount Uklykaya in the Southern Urals // Problems of history, philology, culture. 2012. No. 1 (35). Pp. 179–187. (In Russ.)
- Ivanov V. A. Burials of Medieval Nomads on the Territory of the Okhlebininsky Settlement // Sovetskaya arkheologiya. 1977. №. 1. Pp. 292–295. (In Russ.)
- Garustovich G. N., Ovsyannikov V. V., Ruslanov E. V. The settlement Ufa-II in the Golden Horde period // Oriental Studies. 2018. Vol. 11 No. 4. Pp. 32–42. DOI: 10.22162 / 2619-0990-2018-39-4-32-42. (In Russ.)
- Garustovich G. N. The trail of the great zamyatnya (Location of the XIV century near the village of Brik-Alga). Ufa: Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Gilem, 2012. 222 p. (In Russ.)
- Garustovich G. N., Ryazanov S. V., Yaminov A. F. Brick-Alga locality of the XIV century in the Bashkir Urals. Ufa: Tau, 2005. 152 p. (In Russ.)
- Rudenko K. A. Iron arrowheads of the 8th-15th centuries. from the Volga Bulgaria. Kazan: Zaman, 2003. 512 p. (In Russ.)
- Pshenichnyuk A. Kh. 1963 Scientific report on archaeological research in the central regions of the Bashkir ASSR in 1963 / Scientific Report. At: Institute of Archaeology (RAS), Scientific Archive. Coll. F-1. R-1. №. 2676.
- Garustovich G. N. Population of the Volga-Ural forest-steppe in the first half of the 2nd millennium AD. Diss. Ph.D. Ufa, 1998. 355 p. (In Russ.)
A reference list has to be accompanied by a list of abbreviations used in the manuscript.
English translation of the manuscript’s title, summary, keywords, table and figure titles and captions, and references is made by a skilled translator from the editorial office.