ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

“Old” and new Hungarian graves on the left bank of the Dniester”

Year: 2024

Pages: 161-180

UDC: 903.53 (478)

Number: Volume 24, issue 1

Type: scientific article

BBK: 63.444(4)


The article analyzes the materials obtained during the study of five Hungarian burials on the left bank of the Lower Dniester. Description of the of the barrow and the grave: Burial near the Butora village, which was sunk into an Early Bronze Age mound and contained a horse’s humerus and fragments of gold foil, was studied in 1978; it was previously published with erroneous cultural-chronological attribution or as uncertain. Two more graves were discovered in 1992 in Early Bronze Age mounds near the town of Slobodzeya. Until recently, archival documentation was considered lost, and anthropological materials and grave goods were not identified. А fragment of an iron steel was found in one of the burials. Bone plates for a bow, iron arrowheads, two iron knives (a long combat one and a short household one) were found in another burial. A Hungarian grave sunk in a Scythian mound was studied near Glinoe village, Slobodzeya district, in 2022, in the kurgan group “Sever”. A fire flint, an iron arrowhead, an awl and a knife, as well as gold foil and a horse’s humerus were found in the grave. A burial containing the humerus of small cattle and an iron arrowhead was excavated in 2023 in the Early Bronze Age mound situated at the “Kulak” cemetery near the Korotnoe village. Grave from the Butory cemetery, one of the burials near the town of Slobodzeya, as well as graves in the “Sever” group and from the “Kulak” cemetery were radiocarbon dated. Burial dating: Analogies to grave goods, as well as seven radiocarbon dates obtained in the Poznan, Kiev and Debrecen laboratories, allow us to date graves to the second half of the 9th – the first half of the 10th century. Final remarks: These burials, together with the Hungarian graves previously discovered in the North-Western Black Sea region, are archaeological sites left by the Hungarians east of the Carpathians immediately before finding their homeland.


Black Sea region, Left bank of the Lower Dniester, Hungarians, burial, pit, animal bone, the second half of the 9th – the first half of the 10th century


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV