ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

The specific type of the Bronze Age stone axes from the Korotaikha river (the Barents Sea basin)

Year: 2024

Pages: 149-160

UDC: 903.013, 903.014, 903.211.3

Number: Volume 24, issue 1

Type: scientific article

BBK: 63.442.6(2)


Topic: Composition of Eurasian Ecumene. Pioneers and their Time

Authors: Karmanov Victor Nikolaevich


Finds of thrust tools made of rocks and minerals are rare to find in the sites of the European North-East. This can be probably explained through a high mobility of the local hunters-gatherers and through the way such artefacts were left behind. Considering that there is an outstanding set of six axes and three workpieces found at Korotaikha 1979/3 site at the Korotaikha river (the Barentsev Sea basin). There they found not as a treasure; traces of their production were missing. The research aims to verify the assumption that the artefacts constitute a special type thrust tool series. To do so the study analysed the consequence of formation and layout of diverse macrotraces on the thrust tools surface. The study provides their morphography and classic morphometry. It is determined that the Korotaikha 1979/3 axes are made with the same technology. To start with, the shape of the future tool was formed with bifacial knapping. The final staged implied abrasive treatment (polishing) to form a straight sharp blade, level off and dull down sharp bifacial ribs along the longitudinal edges of the work pieces. The process preserved a large part of the surface formed by knapping. Thus, the Korotaikha 1979/3 axes are partly polished tools with a rectangular or nearly triangular form and lens-shaped cross- and longitudinal section. Macrotraces left by knocking upon solid materials, blade corrections and tool wear-out are evident of the axes use and repair. The nature of the work piece bilateral treatment conforms is harmonized with the bifacial knapping that the Korotaikha 1979/3 flint arrowheads and scrapers are made with. Along with homogeneous ceramics and evidence of bronze smelting production these items conform that these materials shall be attributed to records for studying the Korshak culture assigned to the Bronze Age and preliminarily dated back to the 2nd millennium B.C. Based on this data the study defined equivalent tools within sites located in a very short area at the Korotaikha river. However, the study failed to find equivalents outside this microregion. The production peculiarities, geography and attribution of these axes allow to define their special type of thrust tools of the Bronze Age European north-east. This type can be designated as the Korotaikha type axes. The location is found with an abnormal number of good-condition thrust tools left in one place. It may be associated with the functioning of a sanctuary or burial ground at this site.


archaeology, European north-east, Korshak Culture, camp, traces, knapping, polishing


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV