ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

Stone Age Kamchatka: Transition from Palaeolithic to Neolithic

Year: 2024

Pages: 28-46

UDC: 902.01/904

Number: Volume 24, issue 1

Type: scientific article

BBK: 63.48(2)


Topic: Composition of Eurasian Ecumene. Pioneers and their Time

Authors: Ponkratova Irina Yu.


The article describes general and peculiar features of transition from the Palaeolithic to the Neolithic on the Kamchatka peninsula. The findings are obtained through studying multi-layered camps of Ushki and artefact of Anavgay II and Razdelny II sites. The objective of the article is to systematize archaeological and stratigraphic materials, both the new ones and the ones already existing in the scholarly discourse. The objective implies description of the functioning of the human culture in the Stone Age Kamchatka with regards to the dynamics of natural complexes. It is established that the peculiarity of the transition from the Palaeolithic to the Neolithic on the Kamchatka peninsula is three consequent and differently looking tangible culture complexes: the Final Palaeolithic  (~13.3–12.5 thousand years B.P. calibrated; 12.0–10.1 thousand years B.P. calibrated) and the Mesolithic (~9.9–8.6 thousand years B.P. calibrated). The peculiarities of the first complex imply bifacial arrowheads and darts with shafts, stone embellishments (pendants, beads), artificial organic colourings; distinctive feature of the second complex is evidence of using the micro plate technology (Yūbetsu technique); the third complex is represented with the micro lithic technique of tool production and plate- and flake-based tool sets. The population of all complexes is characterized with appropriating economy based on preying on different animal and bird species, fishing and gathering. Two Late Pleistocene cultural complexes are typical for the Final Palaeolithic Eurasia and America in terms of their settlement arrangements, stone industry, economy and symbolic behaviour. The third period demonstrates the Early Holocene age and certain materials, which makes it associated with the Mesolithic. The Mesolithic complexes’ stone industry shows predominant items based on prismatic plates. There is no ceramics found. There are common features with the Mesolithic cultures of Eurasia. The dynamic and migration of the Kamchatka population in the researched period was linked to the volcanic activity, endogenous landscape formation and associated consequences.


Kamchatka, Stone Age, Final Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Late Pleistocene, Early Holocene, endogenous landscape formation, volcanic activity consequences, migrations, appropriating economy


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV