ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

"Red Plafond" in the Far Hall of Ignatievskaya Cave: New Documentation”

Year: 2024

Pages: 82-91

UDC: 902.699/903.27 (470.54)

Number: Volume 24, issue 1

Type: scientific article

BBK: 63.4стд1-418 (235.54)


Topic: Composition of Eurasian Ecumene. Pioneers and their Time

Authors: Shirokov Vladimir N.


In 1980, V.T. Petrin, S.E. Chairkin and V.N. Shirokov discovered Upper Paleolithic images in Ignatievskaya Cave. Valery Petrin's expedition was exploring the site from 1980 to 1986. Since 1995, Vladimir Shirokov has been continuously researching the cave. The final monograph by Valery Petrin was issued in Russian in 1992 and displayed only black & white photographs, contact copies and sketches of ancient drawings made with a scale grid. Later in 1997, this monograph was published overseas in French and complemented with several additional color photographs. Since 1995, shooting color negative and positive films has become more affordable. A selection of a significant number of frame-by-frame slides by V.N. Shirokov and V.E. Shchelinsky from Ignatievskaya, Kapova and Muradymovskaya 2 caves was published in Germany in 1999 as a book about Paleolithic rock art of the Southern Urals. In Russia in 2013, a monograph with color illustrations was published to tell about the decorated Southern Ural caves of the Upper Paleolithic. However, it displayed only the results of time-lapse photography. Significant sections, such as the Red Panel and the Black Panel (names given by V.T. Petrin) from the Far Hall of the cave, were copied from the sketches using a scale grid. Currently, the shortcomings of these copies can be corrected by combining time-lapse mosaic and photogrammetric surveys of the ceiling sections in Far Hall of Ignatievskaya Cave. The ‘panel’ on the ceiling should be names ‘plafond’, therefore the article suggests changing the name of the Red Panel to the Red Plafond. Graphic patterns and graphic units were counted in this location of the ceiling of the Far Hall. In total, according to the new documentation, there are 163 graphic units on the Red Plafond. In 2018 a Canon D6 camera with a Tokina 16-28/F2,8 lens was used to make photographs. The interior and drawings in the Far Hall were illuminated by LED panels that do not emit thermal radiation. Better visualization of the pictorial patterns and their color filtering was ensured with Adobe Photoshop® and ImageJ with the DStretch® plugin.


Southern Urals, Ignatievskaya Cave, Upper Paleolithic art, Red Plafond


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV