ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

Influence of radiocarbon dating procedure on contentive interpretations (Neplyuevsky Bronze Age cemetery in the Trans-Ural region)

Year: 2024

Pages: 661-669

UDC: 902/904

Number: Volume 24, issue 4

Type: научная статья


When findings of radiocarbon dating differ from method to method, researchers deal with this issue in absolutely different ways. This study is a case that compares two dating series of one Late Bronze kurgan. This kurgan is one of the Srubnaya-Alakul antiquities in the South Transurals. Even though the researched material is the same (human bone collagen), the scope of findings is comparable (19 LSC dates and 29 AMS dates) and the same individuals (n = 14) were dated repeatedly, the differences are still significant. In addition, every series in particular does not show any signs of static emissions. Bayesian modelling of the monocultural kurgan chronology (single-phase model) allows to determine boundaries of the intervals and assess durations for each series. LSC series covers the period between 20th and the mid-18th century BC (up to 167 years long), while AMS series covers the period between the mid-19th and the early 17th century BC (up to 34 years long). Most cases showed statistically different dates for the same individuals studied with different technologies. AMS version of the kurgan chronology conforms better to the previously determined parameters of the Alakul culture. The kurgan’s short chronology is also confirmed by only three generations of kin determined through DNA tests. It means this part of the necropolis could not function too long. Before we reveal the reasons of systematic discrepancies in different date series, it is not practical to consolidate them as it would affect reliability of conclusions both in the general chronology of the archaeological culture and in recovering the ‘history of life’ for a particular site.


Southern Trans-Urals, Late Bronze Age, radiocarbon dating, Bayesian modeling


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV