ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

On the Issue of the Formation of Ceramic Traditions in the Tobol-Irtysh Region During the Early Middle Ages

Year: 2023

Pages: 159-177

UDC: 902.6/903.5/903.53/904

Number: Volume 23, issue 1

Type: scientific article

BBK: 63.4СТД1-6 (235.5)


Topic: Ancient Times and the Modern Era

Authors: Zelenkov, Alexander S.


The article covers findings of the morphological analysis of the crockery studied with the methods of V.F. Gening and A.A. Bobrinsky. The goal is to determine common and specific patterns in pottery skills formed in the population of the Western Siberia in the Early Middle Ages. The studied set includes 168 vessels and is comprised with materials from 14 necropoleis dated 3d/4th–9th centuries. They are found in the forest-steppe and south-taiga areas of Tobol-Irtysh region: Kozlov-Mys-2, Ustyug-1, Krasnoyarsky-4, Ipkulskiy, Vodennikovo-1, Okunevo-3, Ust-Tara-7, Pereiminsky, Dolgovskoe, Vikulovskoe Cemetery, Murlinsky 1 and 2, Likhachevsky, Bobrovsky. 34 vessels among the found ones are assigned to the Karymskoye ceramics, 68 vessels are assigned to the Bakal type, 38 vessels are assigned to the Potchevash type, 30 vessels are assigned to the Kushnarenkovo type. The calculations are compared with point diagrams, factor and main component analysis using Statistica 12 and MS Excel software. It is determined that ceramic traditions were formed in the foreststeppe and south-taiga areas of Tobol-Irtysh region on the multi-component basis and was influenced by population from the Northern Siberia taiga (Lower Ob Culture), South-Ural forest-steppe (Bakhmutinskaya Culture, Karayakupovo Culture) and Middle Kama region (Nevolino Culture). The key skills in shaping were borrowed  by early medieval potters of Tobol-Irtysh from local population groups of the Early Iron Age. They are carriers of Sargat Culture, Kulay Culture, Bogochanovo Culture and Baitovo Culture. Besides, the study establishes intense impact of forest-steppe (Bakal, Karayakupovo, Bakhmutinskaya) traditions on pottery skills in the south taiga population of the Irtysh River area comprised with potchevash Culture carriers. Alse, the research finds close  relations between the forest (Karymskaya) and forest-steppe (Bakalskaya) groups of ceramics.


Western Siberia, Bakalskaya, Potchevash, Karymskaya, Kushnarenkovo ceramic types


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV