ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

Sorvikha hillfort at the Belaya River

Year: 2023

Pages: 227-241

UDC: 902’’0”(470.57)(045)

Number: Volume 23, issue 2

Type: scientific article

BBK: 63.4(2)

DOI: :

Topic: Outstanding Middle Ages. People, Movement, Transformations

Authors: Ostanina, Taisiya I.


The article is devoted to the materials of the Sorvikha hillfort which was discovered by N.A.Mazhitov in 1959. He attributed the hillfort to the Pyanobor and Bakhmutin cultures according to the ceramics. The large-scale excavations were conducted at the Sorvikha settlement by the archaeological expedition of the Udmurt Republic’s Museum of Local History (now Kuzebay Gerd National Museum of the Udmurt Republic). The expedition was led by T.I. Ostanina in 1990. The archaeological research resulted in the following conclusions. The ancient settlement was a well-fortified (up to 42 m high, three ramparts, ditches along the ramparts and slopes, a scarp at the edge of the cape built later). Unlike other settlements of the Belaya River basin, the Sorvikha settlement has a large area (132 thousand square meters) which allowed a significant number of people to live there. The Sorvikha ancient settlement occupies a central place, but together with the nearby settlements of Bogorodskoye (Sergeevskoye), Novo-Petrovskoye, located 4.7 and 20 km away from Sorvikha respectively, it constitutes the defensive line of open settlements in the upper reaches of the Bir, Big Izyak and Small Izyak rivers. There are few dating finds (a faience bead of the 3rd–4th centuries, a knife with a groove of the Kharinо time). They make it possible to attribute the monument of the 3rd–4th centuries corresponding to the chronology of the Mazuninо/Bakhmutinо culture. The population was engaged in small-scale animal husbandry producing meat and dairy. Hunting and fishing played a secondary role. There was also non-ferrous casting, although there is still not enough evidence to confirm this idea (a piece of non-ferrous metal slag was found). The excavations discovered a significant number of fragments of hand-made ware. Their general characteristics are as follows: pot-shaped medium-sized vessels made of clay dough composed with sand or sand with small pebbles, very rarely it was composed with crushed seashell. In most cases, the upper part (neck, shoulders, body – less often) of the vessels are ornamented. The patterns are represented by horizontal rows of dimple impressions (imprintы) of different shapes. The neck and the shoulders have a herringbone pattern. The settlement belongs to the Bashkir variant of the Mazunino culture.


archeology, Belaya River, Sorvikha settlement, early Middle Ages, fortress, settlement, ceramics, Mazunino culture, Bashkir variant


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV