ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

Complex of Artefacts of Southern Urals Bashkirs of 18th–19th Centuries (According to Data From Imsyak-Tau-1 Settlement in Mountain-Steppe Transurals)

Year: 2023

Pages: 300-319

UDC: 903.2/903.42/470.57

Number: Volume 23, issue 2

Type: scientific article

BBK: 63.48(2)/63.445(2)/63.4стд1-421


The article presents the archaeological and paleosoil findings from the settlements dated 18th – 19th century. Imsyak-Tau-1 settlement is situated in the narrow strand of mountain steppes in the Southern Transurals (currently Abzelilovsky District, the Republic of Bashkortostan) on the bank of Bolshoy Kizil River. The monument was first discovered in 2000. The area was closely researched in 2022. The research shows remains of a permanent settlement with linear layouts and two key functional areas. The research totally registered 23 items. Most of them were reconstructed as above-ground housings based on their appearance. A significant amount of remains was collected from the surface. Mainly they were fragments of cast iron pots, various household items, single pottery and porcelain fragments. Pits reveal the cultural deposit within the top horizon only. Coins make the findings date back to the middle 18th century. Paleosoil research allows to determine that locally within the monument there is a lot porcelain (P2 O5 ). It is evident of high anthropogenic load caused by substantial number of cattle. The analysis of 18th – 19th centuries map and historical resources shows that this settlement is an ‘old place’ (Bashkir: Iske uryn) for the contemporary village Ishkulovo (Bashkir tribe of Tangaurs). It had been abandoned by 1784. However, the analysis of the existing coins, including samples discovered in 2022, allows to date the monument within 1740s – 1860s. The studied cast iron pots prove their high chronological and partly ethnocultural significance. To date Imsyak-Tau-1 settlement is one of the few monuments in the Southern Urals to help describe the archaeologically registrable artefacts of Transurals Bashkirs of 18th – 19th century.


Southern Transurals, mountain steppe, Modern Age, Bashkirs, settlement layout, ethnos artefacts, soil science, historical cartography


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV