ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

Burials with saddle overlays of the Great Migration Period and the Early Merovingian Period in Western Europe: Eastern Parallels

Year: 2023

Pages: 195-206

UDC: 903.25:903.59 (4-011)

Number: Volume 23, issue 2

Type: scientific article

BBK: 63.444(4)


Topic: Outstanding Middle Ages. People, Movement, Transformations

Authors: Kazanski, Michel M.


Western Europe is known to currently have three burials of the Migration Period and the Early Merovingian period with metal appliques. They are Mundolsheim in Alsace, Ravenna in Northern Italy and Krefeld-Gellep (burial 1782) on the Rhine. According to the luxurious nature of the accompanying things all these burials belong to privileged persons. The burial in Mundolsheim belongs to the first half of the 5th century, while the burials in Ravenna and Krefeld-Gellep date back to the second half – the end of the 5th – the middle of the 6th centuries. The grave in Mundolsheim was found with triangular applique plates. Similar items are discovered in the Eurasian steppe between the Lower Danube and the East Kazakhstan. They date back to the Hunnic and post-Hunnic times. The most similar in shape triangular appliques originate from the Hunnic finds in the Carpathian basin (Széged-Nagyszéksos, Pécsüszög) and from the burial of a barbarian leader in Conceşti, in romanian Moldova. Early Merovingian burials in Ravenna and Krefeld-Gellep are found with segmented elongated appliques with inlaid edges. This form of the appliques also has twins mainly in the Eurasian steppe zone, primarily in the Ponto-Caucasian region. Although similar items also appear in the Volga-Ural steppes and in Western Kazakhstan. However, the inlaid decor along the edge of the plates is found only on Western European appliques. It may indicate that the plates were made in some Western atelier mimicking ‘Eastern’ samples. Triangular and segmental saddle appliques spread across such a wide area due to the influence of the prestigious warrior culture of the late Rome/Byzantium and possibly Sasanian Iran.


Great Migration of Peoples, Early Merovingian period, saddles, “leader’s” burials, prestigious military culture


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV