ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

The problem of formation of Fyodorovka pottery traditions in the Transural Bronze Age

Year: 2023

Pages: 361-376

UDC: 902/904

Number: Volume 23, issue 2

Type: scientific article

BBK: 63.443


Fyodorovka (Andronovo) ceramics is quite similar from the Transurals to the Minusinsk Basin, which suggests a single mechanism for its formation. The study of ceramics of the Mochishche settlement in the Transurals showed that typologically, Fyodorovka ware, as elsewhere, is different from the previous Alakul one and could not be formed on its basis. However, in pottery technologies the situation is more complicated. In the clay sources, silty clays, or ordinary non-sandy clays, were found, indicating the coming of the Fyodorovka people from the Lower Tobol region, but Alakul traditions are visible in the modeling of ware and impurities to clay. The formation of the Fyodorovka pottery traditions in the west was associated with the coming of the Fyodorovka people from the Altai to the Tobol region, and then to the Transurals, which mixed with the local Alakul people. But in the Altai, this was preceded by an impulse from the west, as a result of which elements of Petrovka-Alakul pottery were introduced there. It is also possible that there was a southern impulse from the area of the Bactria-Margiana archaeological complex (BMAC), and this is associated with the widespread use of chamotte tradition, although it is also known in Petrovka-Alakul pottery.


Fedorovka culture, pottery traditions, migrations, Bronze Age


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV