ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

Lower Tobol region in the Bronze Age: geographical patterns and cultural areas

Year: 2023

Pages: 331-343

UDC: К 902/904

Number: Volume 23, issue 2

Type: scientific article

BBK: 63.442.6(2)


The article presents a reconstruction of the settlement system of communities in the Lower Tobol region during the Bronze Age based on the analysis of archaeological materials using cartography methods and GIS tools. It is noted that the structural components of settlement require many attributes to be described, for example, the distance to the water, the height of the shore, the distance between compared objects, the configuration of the site itself, etc., some of which are accurately determined during work with reports and excavation materials, not excluding inspection of objects in the field. Using the example of the specific territory of the Lower Tobol region, it is confirmed that the geographical position of the sites and the surrounding relief can, along with other data, indicate the cultural and epochal specificity of the object, which allows us to characterize the settlement patterns of groups in ancient times and complement our ideas about the way of life of people and the economic model that they adhered to in a certain era. The work addresses the issues of determining geographical patterns (settlement models) characteristic of the Bronze Age in general and for individual cultures in particular (for the analysis were used sites of the Barkhatov, Suzgun, Pakhomov, Cherkaskul, Fedorov, Alakul, Koptyakov, Tashkovo cultures known for the Lower Tobol region). The use of statistical methods and modeling of natural processes, as well as analysis of the distribution of observed objects, made it possible to characterize the territories selected for settlement, identify patterns of settlement inherent in groups of different cultures, and also determine the relationship between the locations of sites and the lines of watercourses, having processed a large array of data and analyzing the nature of the settlement of the territory of the Lower Tobol region in the Bronze Age.


Trans-Urals, Lower Tobol region, Bronze Age, landscape archaeology, GIS, settlement patterns, movement strategies, hydrology


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV