ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

The forged spearhead from v. Milovka and some issues of Abashevo metalworking

Year: 2022

Pages: 211-226

UDC: 902.652/903.05 (470.57)

Number: Volume 22, issue 2

Type: scientific article

BBK: 63.4стд1-411 (235.5)


A unique forged spear head was found in Milovka Village (Ufimsky District, the Republic of Bashkortostan). Typological and ornamental details make it appear similar to the spearhead series (class KD-2) dated late Middle or early Late Bronze Age (Turbino, Korshunovo, Verkhne-Kizilskiy, KhalvayIII, OshPando) and found within Balanovo, Abashevo, Seima-Turbino and Sintashta Cultures’ monuments. The Milovka spearhead, just like other KD-2 items, was made of arsenical bronze. It is the most common recipe for alloys in Abashevo, Sintashta and other Seima-Turbino manufacturing areas. The manufacturing technology of these spearheads relied on casting + formational forging. After casting blanks were forged into a thick triabgle plate. The next stage was to form the blade and the socket. Before rolling the socket, they cut triangles at the end of the forged blanked. After rolling the triangles formed a ‘coupler’. The body was punch-pierced with a longtriangle pattern. The Milovka spearhead can be dated, if compared to dates of 14C assigned to archaeological cultures found with KD-2 items. It should be within 21–20 century BC. The Milovka spearhead probably belongs to the Abashevo Culture. The forged KD-2 spearheads are distinctive for the final stage of metalworking dated back to the Middle Bronze Age in Volga-Urals region. This period precedes the beginning of ‘chariot’ cultures dated the Late Bronze Age (20–17 century BC) (Sintashta, Potapovka, Pokrovka).


Ural-Volga region, metalworking, forged spearhead, Abashevo community, Seima-Turbino phenomenon, Sintashta culture


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV