ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

Ethnocultural situation on the North-Eastern periphery of the Saka culture of Tian Shan region in the 4th–3rd centuries BC

Year: 2022

Pages: 250-257

UDC: 902/904 (575.2)

Number: Volume 22, issue 2

Type: scientific article

BBK: 63.4стд1-6 (544)


Topic: Archeology of migrations

Authors: Ivanov, Sergey S.


From 6th through early 2nd century the Fore-Tian-Shan region was occupied by an authentic Saka Culture. It had close ethnical and cultural associations with the contemporary population of Eastern Kazakhstan. They left specific Bukon Culture-type monuments. Besides, the Tian-Shan Sakas made a significant contribution to Kamenskaya Culture in forest-steppe Altai (Ob & Irtysh Interfluve). They maintained regular connections. However, in the 4th century BC the Pazyryk political union from the mountain Altai became stronger and started sustainably expanding to the south – Eastern Kazakhstan, northern Xinjiang and the Mongolian Altai Mountains. This leads to broken connection between the Sakas of the Tian-Shan region and their kin from the forest-steppe Altai. It results in the lost control over Bukon Cultue type tribes in Eastern Kazakhstan. It causes reduced influence in adjacent areas of Xinjiang. Pazyryk and Kara-Koba Culture people were migrating in the Eastern Kazakhstan at the turn of 4th–3rd centuries BC. This migration causes a hybrid Kula-Zhurga Culture. Bearers of this culture were a part of the Pazyryk political union. Obviously, these processes were accompanied by large military conflicts between the Fore-Tian-Shan Sakas and the Pazyrykets’. It resulted in the Sakas losing control over a number of territories in the North-East of their union – North-East Zhetysu. This territory is evident with family burials with Pazyryk (Songshugoukou) and Kula-Zhurga (Tausamaly) appearance. This directly proves the migration and relatively long stay of newly arrived northern populations. Long-standing rivals against the Pazyryks, regular and large conflicts with Hellenic states weaken the political union of the Tian-Shan Sakas. Therefore, in around 165 BC they were defeated by Yuezhi that had come from the East. The majority of the Sakas was pushed to the southern Central Asia. Their this nation took part in the so-called ‘nomad invasion’ of Greco-Bactria.


Early Iron Age, Saka period, Saka culture of Tian Shan, migrations, ethnic and cultural contacts


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV