ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

Vegetation patterns and development in the Upper Sukhona river region: palynological evidence from the settlement of Vyoksa-3

Year: 2022

Pages: 71-83

UDC: 902.672 (470.12)

Number: Volume 22, issue 1

Type: scientific article

BBK: 63.4 (235.55)


Vologda oblast is located in the north-east of the East European Plain, in the boreal forest zone. One of the largest watercourses in the region is the Sukhona river, a left tributary of the Northern Dvina, which was formed on the territory of the paleolake. The upper part of the Sukhona river contains a unique multilayered settlement of Vyoksa displaying a well-preserved succession of archaeological layers (up to 3m thick). In this paper we analyze the pollen from Vyoksa-3 site and evaluate its potential for the reconstruction of historical events in the north-east of the European forest zone from the Early Neolithic period to the Middle Ages. Two pollen assemblages were studied by the authors one (VKS16) coming from the ancient drainage channel of a paleolake and the other (VKS3/2) from the test pit No.2 at the Vyoksa-3 archaeological site, which covers time periods from boreal to the present days. Analysis of the palynological spectrums demonstrates that starting from the Atlantic period the studied area has been more and more exposed to anthropogenic influence. The Middle Neolithic period was characterized by a slight increase in the number of grasses (VKS16 B3), while the propor- tion of sedges (Cyperaceae) remained low. Probably, at this time (circa 4000 yrs. cal BC) Vyoksa-3 site was surrounded by small accumulations of forest vegetation situated on high river terraces. During the Subboreal period climate shifts led to a decrease in the number of wet places around the studied area and to some changes in the vegetation composition: along with the conifers, oaks, hazels (VKS16 C) and guelder roses (Vuburnum opulus) (VKS3/2 A-B) became widespread. Specimens of pollen related to the Late Neolithic period contain a large number of plantain spores (Plantoga lanceolata) typical for open arable land and dispersed vegetation, which proliferated during this time. The Subatlantic period was marked by extensive forest formation occurring on the high river terraces (VKS16 D2) and an increase in the number of light-demanding trees and shrubs, such as birch, hazel, rowan/raspberry (Betula, Corylus and Sorbus/Rubus), indicating the anthropogenic influence. Since the early Middle Ages, the studied area has probably been covered by arable land, as evidenced by cereal pollen.


palynology, Upper Sukhona, Vyoksa, vegetation


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV