Year: 2022
Pages: 162-177
UDC: 903.2 (4/5)
Number: Volume 22, issue 1
Type: scientific article
BBK: 63.4 (235.55)
At the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC, chariots spread over the vast spaces of Eurasia from the Balkans-Carpathians to Kazakhstan. It is generally accepted that chariots were invented in the Urals, by the Sintashta culture and they are often found in the Sintashta burial complexes. From the Urals, they were distributed around Eastern Europe, and then to the Carpathians and Mycenaean Greece. In the other areas the remains of chariots have not been found. However, some artefacts that imply their presence (like the elements of the bridle, horn and bone cheekpieces) were discovered. Sintashta cheekpieces are disc-shaped (round or with a plank) and have spikes. On their basis, cheekpieces of the Petrovka and Alakul cultures were created and spread in the Trans-Urals and Kazakhstan. At the same time, cheekpieces in these cultures often have some western features (Carpatho-Mycenaean ornaments, a rod-shaped plank, a hole in another plane or several holes along the plank). These features were typical for the cheekpieces of the Carpathian Basin which date back to the period of the formation of the Sintashta culture in the Urals. There also appeared rod-shaped cheekpieces and cheekpieces that combine the features of rod-shaped and disc-shaped ones. Therefore, the idea that the tradition of chariots using came to the Carpathians from the steppe zone has no chronological and typological grounds. In the forest-steppe and steppe zones of Eastern Europe chariots appeared in the Abashevo culture of the Don-Volga region as well as in the Potapovka culture of the Volga region. Chronologically these processes correspond to the final stage of the Sintashta culture. The cheekpieces combine the features of the Carpathian and Sintashta ones, which is explained by the impulses from both of these regions to Eastern Europe. Subse- quently, on this basis, cheekpieces of the Pokrovsk type of the early Srubnaya culture were formed. The cheek- pieces from Mycenaean Greece have no reliable parallels in the steppe. They are comparable to cheekpieces of the Carpathian Basin. This suggests that the skills of using chariots came to Greece not from the steppe, but from the Carpathians. The idea is also supported by the fact that the wheels used in Greece and the Carpathians had four spokes while the wheels used in the Urals displayed 10 to 12. Therefore, initially the chariots ap- peared independently in the west and east, and only at the end of the Sintashta period the two traditions began to intertwine.
chariots, evolution of cheekpieces, MBA–LBA transition, chronology and periodization
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