ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

Human burials at the bronze age settlements in the southern urals: alternative, normative or deviant?

Year: 2021

Pages: 206-214

UDC: 903.5(470.5)"638"

Number: Volume 21, issue 2

Type: scientific article

BBK: 63.442(235.55)


Topic: The bronze age: researchers and research

Authors: Berseneva, Natalia A.


The human burials, located on the territory of the Bronze Age settlements are rather numerous in the Southern Urals region. A major debate among scholars is whether we should consider these burials “normative”, “alternative” or “deviant” for different periods and cultures. This paper has two main objectives related to the aforementioned research problem. First, it aims to investigate the settlements of the Sintashta, Petrovka, Alakul’ and Srubnaya cultures in terms of their burial practices. Second, it tries to define the key features of “normative” and “deviant” funerary rituals and to explore if the burials located at the Southern Urals settlements were a part of “normative” burial ritual or not. The research showed that the Bronze Age settlement burials in the Urals could be divided into three main groups. The first group includes burials that were arranged in accordance to the common burial rules: flexed position, on the left side, sometimes with grave goods. The second group has burials that did not match the rules of proper mortuary treatment: dismembered, mutilated bodies in non-standard position. All of these burials contained corpses of adults, presumably males. The third group is represented by finds of separate human bones or parts of skeletons, which belonged to both adults and children. These results suggest that in the Early Bronze Age (Sintashta-Abashevo and Petrovka cultures) children’s burials were a variant of the normal burial ritual while adult skeletons were rather “deviant”. In the following periods (Srubnaya and Alakul’ cultures) most adult burials become more “normative”, however some burials were still rather “deviant”. In general, “deviant” burials were related to adult individuals during both periods. 


Bronze Age, Southern Urals, settlements


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV