ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

Burial 106 of the turaevo cemetery and the dating capabilities of small polychrome objects

Year: 2021

Pages: 358-376

UDC: 902/904, 902.6

Number: Volume 21, issue 2

Type: scientific article

BBK: 63.4(2)


Topic: The ancient times and the middle ages

Authors: Krasnoperov, Aleksandr A.


The article discusses and critically evaluates a set of research problems related to the finds of small “polychrome style” items. In most cases these items look really impressive and they often serve as a source for various ethnic identifications. However, the conclusions that are made on the basis of item analysis are usually not accurate and reliable. Despite some similarities in production and appearance, different items have different chronological potential. The current paper analyzes a small pendant discovered in the burial 106 of Turaevo ground necropolis. It also describes a range of other small artefacts of the similar type. Turaevo necropolis belongs to a group of archaeological sites, which is characterized by the finds of 8-shaped beadspendants. These pendants are typical for the burials dated to the catacomb period of the Late Sarmatian culture (according to S.I.Bezuglov). Finds of pendants are quite rare in the forest zone of Eastern Europe, but could be found in the Volga river and the Don river regions and are rather numerous in the Kama river region. Dating of the main finds was recently conducted by V.Y.Malashev. It is suggested that the other artefacts discovered in the burials (e.g. harness rings) date to an earlier period, which corresponds to the “«horsemen» horizon of the Late Sarmatian culture” according to S.I.Bezuglov. This is confirmed by the coins found alongside. At the same time, the burial106 must be dated to the middle of the IV century AD. Most burials containing small pendants belong to the interval of the “«horsemen» horizon of the Late Sarmatian culture” according to S.I.Bezuglov (the second half of the 2nd – the 1st half of the 3rd century AD). The other group, which includes Turaevo necropolis, is dated to a later period (4th centuries AD). In general, it could be concluded that the finds of small pendants cannot serve as a reliable dating source.


polychrome styles, pendants, chronology, amber 8-shaped beads-pendants, Late Sarmatian time


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV