ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

Stringed musical instrument from the Mechetsay burial ground

Year: 2021

Pages: 69-77

UDC: 902.01

Number: Volume 21, issue 1

Type: scientific article

BBK: 63.4



Authors: Dedyulkin, Anton V.


The primary purpose of this article is to present the analysis of remains supposedly left from stringed musical instruments, which were discovered in a double female burial 5 of the mound 8 of the Mechetsay burial ground. The objects under study were first mentioned by an archaeologist K.F. Smirnov, who studied the funerary inventory of the aforementioned female burial and suggested that both buried women were votaries. When discovered, the studied objects (wooden item and a fragment of the turtle shell) were in a very poor state of preservation, therefore now they are available only as drawings of the burial plan accompanied by its description made by K.F. Smirnov.
The current article compares those drawings from K.F. Smirnov’s publication with the ancient images of lyres and lutes known so far. Results of this comparison suggest that the objects under study could have belonged to stringed musical instruments of some kind. Specifically, the wooden item could be considered as one of the earliest examples of a lute with a wide, rounded body and a short neck. Fragment of the turtle shell with a drilled hole was initially described as a part of a bowl. Based on the available archaeological and iconographic data, the author suggests an alternative version: this object could have served as the sound body of a stringed musical instrument. Unfortunately, the state of preservation of the shell does not allow one to determine whether it belonged to some kind of a primitive lyre or to a lute.
Archaeological assemblages from the burials of Eurasian nomads of the Early Iron Age (discovered in Xinjiang, Pazyryk and Bashadar) contain exclusively angular harps. Therefore, it could be claimed that the supposed stringed instruments, discovered by K.F. Smirnov were imported. Due to the lack of data, little could be said about the design of the Mechetsay wooden lute. May be its body consisted solely of wood or maybe it had a leather soundboard. It’s also impossible to found out the place, where this musical instrument was created. These could have been done in one of the workshops located in the adjacent regions such as – Chorasmia, Bactria,
Sogdia, Margiana.


lute, lyre, angular harp, the early nomads, the Southern Cis-Urals


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV