Year: 2021
Pages: 18-32
UDC: 902/904 (574)
Number: Volume 21, issue 1
Type: scientific article
BBK: T442.7
Authors: Bazarbayeva, Galiya A., Jumabekova, Gulnara S.
To date, a representative collection of artefacts decorated in the Scythian-Siberian animal (zoomorphic) style has been discovered on the territory of Kazakhstan. This article aims to analyze the items made from sheet metal using carving technologies. Despite the apparent simplicity of their manufacturing, these artefacts raise many questions. The items discussed in the current paper come from archaeological excavations at the Tasaryk (Urjar) burial mound conducted by the expeditions from the A.Kh. Margulan Archeology Institute as well as from works of several researchers, who are well-known both in Kazakhstan and abroad – Z. Samashev, S.S. Chernikov (1909-1976), A.Z. Beisenov, M.A. Itina (1922-2004) and L.T. Yablonsky (1950-2016). In particular, we have analyzed a sample of 11 items from the following archaeological sites: Eleke Sazy, Shilikty, Tasaryk – in Tarbagatay, Taldy-2, Karashoky, Sherybay – in the Eastern Saryarka, Southern Tagisken – in the Eastern Aral Sea region. The artefact from Southern Tagisken was included in the sample on the basis of its stylistic similarity with the artefacts coming from Sherybay. Chronological framework of the current study is the VIII–IV centuries BC. Archaeological context of the absolute majority of the studied items was destroyed in ancient times; therefore it’s practically impossible to identify their functional purposes. The only exception is the zoomorphic element of the female headwear from the undisturbed burial of the Tasaryk burial mound. The range of animal motives includes: a fictional bird – phoenix, birds of prey, a deer, a Siberian ibex, a feline predator, a wild boar, and fish. Delicacy and high-quality of the analyzed items study indicates their connection with the artefacts from such well-known sites of the Eurasian steppe belt as Arjan-2, Filippovka, Kichigino 1 and also points to the origins of the style, which later appeared in the materials of the Pazyryk Culture. Most of the burial grounds, which serve as sources of the items under study, are characterized by dromoses – specific type of corridors leading eastwards from the burial pit. According to the A.Z. Beisenov, a tradition of making dromoses originates in the Late Bronze Age period. Thus, the study of such a specific aspect as appliques addresses a number of issues related to the origin and genesis of the Early Iron Age archaeological cultures on various territories including the territory of Kazakhstan.
Kazakh steppes, the Early Iron Age, art, the animal style, zoomorphic images