ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

Dromos burials of the early nomads of the South Urals: the problems of chronology

Year: 2021

Pages: 160-168

UDC: 902.2

Number: Volume 21, issue 1

Type: scientific article

BBK: 63.4



Authors: Sirotin, Sergey V.


The paper presents the analysis of a series of dromos burials, discovered in the burial mounds of the early nomads in the South Urals region. The problems of geographic location, chronology and cultural affiliation of these burials are discussed. The tradition of constructing dromos burials has its own chronological rhythm in the nomadic cultures of the South Urals; it appears in the elite burial complexes at the certain stages. Early complexes of this type dated to the VII-VI centuries BC associated with the Saka cultures. Some of them could be dated to the V century BC. However, most dromos complexes of such type are dated to the middle of the IV – the beginning of the III centuries BC and could be found at the archaeological monuments of the Filippovka type.
Many questions concerning the origins of nomadic dromos burials are far from being resolved. However, it is obvious that the tradition of constructing such burials was brought to the South Urals by migratory communities. Functionally, dromos pits present themselves earthen feretories containing several burials of representatives of the nomadic elite.
Most dromos burials are found on the territory of the Filippovka 1 burial ground. The burial pits are classified by shape into three main categories: oval, rectangular and cruciate. Perhaps, the differences in shapes resulted from the heterogeneous nature of the nomadic elite; representatives of different communities had different ethnographic traditions. Apart from burial complexes of the Filippovka type, dromos burials have been discovered in several necropoleis of the South Urals region such as: the Perevolochan I burial ground, the Vysokaya Mogila – Studenkin Mar burial ground, the Temir burial mound, the Bolshoi Klimovsky burial mound etc.
In general, burial grounds with dromos burials are characterized by complex funerary rites and usually contain rich funerary inventory that shows a high social status of its owner. The nomadic tradition of constructing dromos burials in the South Urals gradually fades away at the turn of the IV - III centuries BC.


the South Urals, the early nomads, dromos burials


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV