ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

The art practice based on the usе of natural forms of stone and bone in the stone age of Eurasia

Year: 2020

Pages: 6-34

UDC: 902.01

Number: 20

Type: scientific article

BBK: 63.4стд1-7



Authors: Kotov, Vyacheslav G.


Figurative art is practically not represented in the eastern region of Eurasia during the Paleolithic era, and in this regard, doubt arises - was it characteristic of the Ural-Siberian population at that time? Meanwhile, in recent years in the Ural-Volga region at the sites of the Upper Paleolithic, objects of visual activity based on natural forms of bone and stone have been discovered. It is one of the characteristics of the cultural tradition of the «Urals» and, in a broader sense, the «Siberian» Upper Paleolithic. On the territory of the Ural region, pebble sculptures have been found on monuments from the Mesolithic to the Middle Ages. According to archeological data, the cult nature of these objects of visual activity was revealed. It is compared with the nature of the cult attitude of the traditional peoples of the Urals and Siberia to sculptural images, which cultural anthropology demonstrates. On the basis of the ethnographic model, it was concluded that the visual practice using natural forms of bone and stone by the Paleolithic population was based on a ban on making other figurative images.


sculptures from natural forms, Stone age, Urals, Siberia


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV