ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

Cranial characteristics of the material from necropolises of the Golden Horde period in steppe CisUrals

Year: 2019

Pages: 105-121

Number: 19

Type: scientific article



Authors: Nechvaloda, Аleksey I.


The article deals with the cranial materials from nomadic barrows of the Golden Horde period located on the territory of steppe CisUrals (Orenburg region, Russia) - called Urta-Burtya and Ural. A comparative analysis of men's skulls from aforementioned barrows with the cranial series from the East European steppe zone demonstrated their similarity to the materials from the barrow Mokrinsky I in Western Kazakhstan, that belonged to one of the most Mongoloid-like populations of the Golden Horde period.


paleoanthropology, craniology, graphic anthropological reconstruction, Kipchaks, the Golden Horde, nomads, steppe CisUrals


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV