Year: 2018
Pages: 24-42
Number: 18
Type: scientific article
Authors: Savelev, Nikita S.
The materials of the Kurmantau and Gamayun cultures (the first half - the middle of the 1st millennium BC) from the monuments in the mountainous part of the Southern Urals (the valleys of the Belaya and Nugush rivers) are considered. It is shown that the south-western part of the Ural mountain country along the valley of the Belaya river to a depth of about 100 km was mastered by the Urals population of the Kurmantau culture and, simultaneously, from the north, downstream, a relatively small population of the Gamayun culture descended, penetrating the mountainous region from the Trans-Urals. The Kapova cave area was the contact zone of the two populations under consideration, downstream the Gamayun materials are found only in the form of a small admixture in the Kurmantau settlements. The result of partial mixing of the two population groups can be traced in the features of the ornamentation of a number of vessels. Judging by the available chrono-indicators, the period of coexistence of the Kurmantau and Gamayun populations in the mountainous Belaya river area. White dates from the VI-V-th centuries B.C. A significant part of the Kurmantau materials dates back to earlier times, as evidenced by ceramics with traces of interaction with the Mezhov ornamental traditions, traditionally attributed to the beginning of the 1st millennium BC.
Southern Urals, mountain forest zone, early Iron age, features of population of the territory, cultural interaction