ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV

Alakul graves with pots without an ornament: to the issue of the sphere of child sacrality

Year: 2018

Pages: 16-23

Number: 18

Type: scientific article



Authors: Sotnikova, Svetlana V.


The article deals with the Alakul children’s graves from the Alakul and Stepnoe VII burial grounds. These burials belonged mainly to children of infantile age. Near the infant’s heads ordinary pots with ornamentation were placed, in which probably there was food. Near the feet of the infants were placed miniature jars without ornament, possibly empty. In some cases, the jar had been turned up bottom. According to ethnographic data, children up to a certain age were considered to belong not to the human world of culture, but to another, natural world. Probably, the ornamented pots placed near the infant’s head were a kind of indicator of belonging to the world of culture, i.e. the human world. In turn, miniature jars without ornament, located in the legs meant belonging to the world of nature, to another world. There was a special sphere of children’s sacrality, it included pots without ornamentation from children’s burials. Thus, the Alakul materials suggest that child (the infant) could act as a mediator in communicating with another (natural) world. Perhaps this is why, in children’s burials were placed not ornamented jars, as part of the natural world and as a means of communication with the latter.


South TransUrals, Bronze Age, Alakul culture, pots without ornament, burial of infants


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ISSN: 1814-1692 eISSN: 2782-2842 DOI: 10.31833/UAV